2013-14 Tournament Material

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September 20-22, 2013
Yale Invitational
Parliamentary Division

Yale Parliamentary Motions

September 28, 2013
Novice Scrimmage

Resolved: The US should not prosecute Edward Snowden.

Resolved: All schools in the United States should be required to teach to a common academic standard.

November 16, 2013

Resolved: The United States should imprison only those who commit violent crimes.

December 14, 2013--no tournament

Resolved: States and municipalities should not provide economic subsidies or incentives to corporations.

Resolved: The use of drones for targeted killing of individuals should be prohibited.

February 15, 2014, Makeup Tournament

UPenn Liberty Bell Classic, February 15-16, 2014

UPenn Parliamentary Motions

Resolved: Rich countries should compensate poor countries adversely affected by climate change.

State Finals, March 22, 2014
Flow Chart
A Coach's Notes

Resolved: We (Russia) should actively seek to reincorporate those former Soviet territories with a substantial Russian population.

Osterweis 2014, Yale University
April 6, 2014

Osterweis Parliamentary Motions